Choosing ACCA as a professional qualification reveals our ambition of achieving higher. It is indeed part of our determination to reach our ‘dream job’, a position which has been cherished and represents a medium of self fulfillment.
How it is achieved depends on our progress through our qualifications, and having both the right blend of working experience, and the right ‘key’ to open the doors to higher hierarchical offices.
The ‘key’ is known by recruiters as the soft skills which are highly desirable from a prospective jobholder, thus making him/her distinct from other inspired candidates. In most cases, these will be examined in the selection process and within a restricted time frame the candidate will need to prove himself/herself as having these skills. Despite having the confidence of a successful interview, there are instances whereby the expected job offer did not prove to be tangible. Ever wonder why?
My aim is to explore some of the areas whereby a recruiter will concentrate in the selection process. It is based on personal experience which I hope will help applicants to understand the aims behind every selection procedure, resulting in a better outcome.
The main aim of recruitment is to consolidate the human resource factor of an organisation in order to meet its predetermined objectives. Therefore, sourcing the right candidate to fit the job (and the team) is crucial for the recruiter.
The initial process starts with the job advertisement which outlines the expectations of the recruiter. The information within is often supportive towards writing a curriculum vitae (CV). First impressions always last and it is the CV which will reveal whether an applicant will be sorted to the selection phase. The recruiter expects the candidate to give a brief overview of himself/herself with an outline on personality, career aspirations, and long-term goals. Every company has a different culture and philosophy, and the ability of a candidate to integrate harmoniously in the daily life of the organisation will be examined. After all, effective recruitment is appraised on the retention rate and goal congruence between the employer and the employee.
It is imperative that a candidate presents a clear and concise exposure of his/her past career path. It will reveal the skills and aptitudes which he/she had been able to acquire in shaping his/her professional profile – important data for assessing whether the prospective job requirements will be met. Elaboration on academic achievements, and hobbies and interests are enriching information which will indicate the likely job behaviour of the applicant. While working on a CV, it is always advisable to click on dedicated online information about recommended formats. Getting the advice of a professional recruitment consultant will be of tremendous support in enhancing the CV’s architecture.
The sorted CVs for the selection process are usually those who are embedded with quality information. Quantity can be an issue, but as long as the ‘required’ information is present, spending quality time on such a crucial document is an important investment towards shaping one’s career path.
My next posting will focus on the selection process – a critical phase for both the applicant and the recruiter.