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17 March 2011


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Accountants have a public image of being boring. However as accountants we need to get out there and show some personality and creativity.

I agree with Rachel. The onus is on us.

There is still a long way for the profession to go on this and some parts are moving quicker than others.

As a naturally conservative bunch accountants do tend to shy from creativity, more often than not it has to be put there or taught once qualified.

To become more creative it’s helpful to have worked with creative people. In essence one could judge an accountant by his or her five best employer’s or clients. We tend to find the more dynamic and creative that network, the more creative and dynamic the accountant.

Manos, being a fellow accountant, I agree with you. However, to a "lay man", most accountants, and you may/may not agree are still stuck in traditional accounting that is more concerned with facts and figures - which is very black and white - and this approach, to a casual observer, creates the impression of a lack of creativity on the part of the accountants to want to look beyond the numbers and support documents.

Hence, we the accountants need to educate the public about the fact that our services have involved beyond being just mere bean counters or for those senior among us, signing/approving expenses.

The onus is on us! Let's get to work - maybe then, the profession will regain the respect it deserves. Otherwise, we risk being disregarded as too simplistic and eventually done away with.

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