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12 November 2008



Your comments about the CPD part of the ACCA website are interesting. There are several independent providers of online CPD which members can use to fulfil their CPD requirements, such as:


Hopefully these providers should help to fulfil the needs of international ACCA members.


I intend to take papers P1, P3 and P4 this December but on entry, the system says I must take P2 before P4. Is that truly the case? Please help!

Syed Moeed Ali

Wow, I am glad to see the new ACCA website. It is a very stunning and charming piece of work as compared to before.

Now I am very very very much satisfied by the website as things are just one click away. I am very much happy to see the maturity and PROFESSIONALISM in the ACCA website.

I really like the way new happenings and news is brought on the main screen; that's what I really wanted to be updated every time I open this ACCA website.

I thank to all of those who made this possible and made our lives easier for us.

In certain times, we are here to criticize whats good and bad, bad we should also come back here to appreciate and adore the hard work and energy full of effort, the team has put to the standards, required of them.



Khadija is asking about job opportunities, but I am even more worried about the recent recession and higher output of new ACCA graduates.

Account Deleted

Hi, I'm glad to meet all of the members here.

Syed Moeed Ali

Well, the ACCA website is the perfect example of a site of a reputed professional body, made by highly unskilled people and totally ignoring the provision of benefit to its users.

I always have to search for past papers, as there is no clear link route to them. Even if there is, one can't simply understand it.

There is just as much mess, as there is quantity of info on this website.


Well, I find the new ACCA website extremely inconvenient. You just get lost when looking for something, like past papers, CBE exams etc, and student accountant. All new users face a lot of problems.

ALAGBE, Julius

I want the ACCA family to talk about vacancies and opportunities in the various work places. This will make all who are looking for jobs able to find one. Just an opinion!

awola a nkoum virginie

Hi all,

I have just started and was pleased to see the accatv advice for those lacking practical experience.

Hoping to succeed in June 2009 - keep in touch to share the knowledge!



I find current version of the site EXTREMELY unconvenient. To find past exam papers you need to click over 10 times and jump from one page to another and hardly find what you are looking for. The previous design was outdated but robust, but the current one is not a design at all.


Hi all, I have just joined.

Anyone with ACCA P1 study material for sale?


Hey, I am so exciting to read your blogs, and I think your articles are really helpful to me. I am studying F4 with some sort of headache, but as you have said, keep going on and keep the target clearly in head.

I hope I can do it and make it happen as you have.


I think the mail service is slow... It takes like an eternity to view the page. I have a 256k connection. If I was using a 56k connection it would have been worse. Even with a 56k modem, I would have accessed Hotmail and Yahoo! mail instantly.

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